Si Yuan School of the Precious BloodChan Sin Hang, Stacy
In this precious drama experience, I have learnt how to communicate and work together with my group mates. Also, I am able to realize more about various kinds of financial management, for instance, creating budget plan, knowing ‘Needs’ and ‘Wants’, comparing prices and so on. I am sure I can apply what I learn from this meaningful drama competition in my life. I hope there will be more this kind of drama competition for those drama lovers to participate in the future.
Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School
I know more about the responsibility of different posts, such as stage manager, publicist, lighting designer and actor, in a drama team. For stage manager, his task is to make sure the drama runs smoothly and efficiently. For instance, he has to monitor the attendance of all production team in meetings and actors are on time to rehearsal. For publicist, he has to arrange public meetings and special events to propagandize the drama to the public, such as parents and children. Communication skill is very important. There was a chance to watch a drama. I learnt how to attract the awareness of audiences through performance and interaction.
St. Paul’s Convent SchoolMeko Cheung
During the activity, there is a chance to look into different staff responsibilities in a troupe. It enabled me to realize the importance of teamwork for the successful production of a show. I can have chance to chat with staff. I am truly surprised by the opportunities available in paving the career pathways. I found that the professionalism of actors through watching the musical. Despite it is a short play, they all arrive early in the morning to rehearse and prepare for it. Their respect for their career inspired me a lot. The actors had drawn the kids’ participation during the show. This is a very fruitful experience.