
The "Business-School Partnership Programme" (BSPP) was first launched in 2005. Since the implementation of life planning education in the 2014/15 school year, BSPP has strengthened the promotion of closer partnership between schools and different sectors (including the business sector, government departments and community organisations) to lead students out of the classroom to gain a wider perspective of the world so that they can get prepared for transition to work and challenges in the future.


Through this non-traditional learning platform provided by BSPP partners, students will be able to learn about different careers, understand the operation of business entities and requirements of employers, explore their own career orientation, enhance generic skills, and develop correct values and work ethics so as to adapt to economic and social changes, and achieve the goal of whole-person development ultimately.


Through BSPP, BSPP partners offer career exploration activities for students, teachers and parents, such as workplace visits, career talks, workshops, competitions, student ambassador programmes, work experience programmes, etc.




  • Understand individual capacity and potential to plan for future studies and careers.
  • Acquire knowledge, skills and attitude to make wise study / career choices in accordance with their interests, abilities and orientations.
  • Widen vision and establish correct values to adapt to the changing economy and society.
  • Acquire life skills and equip well to face challenges ahead.
  • benefits


  • Help students understand the business operations and the requirements of employers.
  • Assist students to learn the correct work attitude and positive life values.
  • Through partnership experience, develop school-based curriculum and activities as well as career guidance service that suit the students' needs.
  • Support students for career exploration, life planning and actualisation of their career/academic aspirations.
  • benefits


  • Demonstrate as a good corporate citizen and enhance public image of the enterprise.
  • Promote the related professions and business to students, teachers and parents.
  • Train up a young potential workforce for the related profession and business sector.
  • Have a better understanding of the thoughts of the young generation and hence enhance / adjust the professional training strategy for their own staff.
  • Videos

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